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TAIWAN Orphanages and Resources
Taiwan in Chinese Characters/symbols
Taiwan Orphanages, Children's Homes Facilitators/Ministries:
Some placing children, others not at this time - futher information posted as obtained.
Incomplete listing - please contact me if you have information to add.

See Resource Chart below for details and MORE resources...

- AI AI LIAU Orphanage (old orphanage - unknown if still exists*)
- CHRISTIAN MOUNTAIN Children's Home, Liouguei
- CSS - Christian Salvation Service, Taipei (Shepherd's Grace Halfway House orphanage)
CHUNG YI Social Welfare Foundation, Taipei
- GARDEN OF MERCY Infant center for HIV afflicted children, Taipei
- HARMONY HOME for HIV patients and orphans, Taipei, Kaohsiung, Pingtung
- KWANG-YIN Orphanage, Taichung
- LUODONG Orphanage (Buddhist), Luodong
- MORNING LIGHT Christian Home, Taitung
- ONESIPHORUS Children's Home, Taitung
- PEITOU (Beitou) Orphanage
(old orphanage - unknown if still exists*), Taipei
- PUYEN Orphanage, Pingtung city
- YI-KUANG Orphanage, Taipei
- YUNLING Orphanage, Dounan

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The Taiwan Map is NOW ONLINE - click to see!
Taiwan Detailed Map
And can be personalized for Any orphanage
or hometown with the details of your
unique adoption journey!

*Note: Taiwan adoptions are completely separate of
China adoptions and are overseen by the Taiwanese
government/Republic of China (R.O.C).
For more information about Taiwan adoption,
please visit links below:

ORPHANAGE or foster home, center, facilitator:
Address or Location
Additional Info/Links:
Satellite image of city:
Website or photos/ info:
Ai Ai Liau Orphanage Taipei (old orphanage - unknown if still exists) -- Taipei satellite image *link to article
Cathwel Service, Taipei
(Catholic Welfare)
Shenkeng, Taipei county address on their website orphanage club info Shenkeng, Taipei, satellite image Cathwel website
Christian Mountain Children's Home Liu-Kuei (Liouguei), Kaohsiung county
address on their website
  Liukuei (Liouguei) image CMCH website
Christian Salvation Service,
(Shepherd's Grace Halfway House orphanage)
Taipei, address on their website   Taipei satellite image CSS website
Chung Yi, Taipei Wen-Shan district, Taipei city address on their website History, photos and
orphanage club info
Taipei image shows Wenshan Chung-Yi website
Garden of Mercy Infant center for HIV afflicted children Taipei city Also care for terminally ill
 Donate to help
Taipei satellite image Info website
Good Shepherd Sisters, Taiwan Taipei Helping girls, women, children in crisis Taipei satellite image Good Shepherd website
Harmony Home, for HIV patients and orphans Taipei, Kaohsiung, Pingtung (and China) Hospice care Halfway houses Kaohsiung - Pingtung image HH website
Home of God's Love Lotung (Luodong), Yilan county address on their website   Lotung (Luodong) satellite img. Home of God's Love
Kwang-Yin family-style Orphanage Taichung   Taichung satellite image TFCF website info
Luodong Orphanage, Buddhist Luodong, Yilan county   Lotung (Luodong) Link to ministry info
Morning Light Home Taitung city, Taitung county address on their website   Taitung city satellite img MLH website
Onesiphorus Children's Home Taitung can sponsor child Taitung city OSH website
Pietou (Beitou) Orphanage
(old orphanage - unknown if still exists)
Peitou (Beitou) district, Taipei city -- Taipei  image shows Beitou *link to article
Puyen Orphanage Pingtung city -- Pingtung image link to article
St. Lucy's Center Tainan address on their website St. Lucy's Yahoogroup Tainan satellite image St. Lucy website
Yi-Kuang orphanage, Taipei director:  Hu Lee Shi-mei
at Lane 382 section 3 of Heping west road, Wanhua district
article, photos
Taipei  image shows Wanhua link to article in China Post
Yunling Orphanage Dounan town, Yunlin county address on their website   Dounan satellite image Yunling orphanage website
Taiwan Adoption Agencies, Placement Services, Adoption & Counseling MORE COMING SOON:
Name of Agency: Location: Website: Additional Information:
Adopt Abroad, Inc. PA, USA and Europe AA website New Taiwan program
ASIA Adopt Oregon Asia adopt website Infants to 2 program on hold; older child and special needs open
Barker Foundation MD, VA, DC Barker website Taiwan adoptions by birthmother selection
Bay Area Adoption Services California BAAS website works with Cathwel
Celebrate Children FL (placing infants in KY) website Healthy infants for KY residents; Special needs all 50 states
Choices Adoption & Counseling British Columbia, Canada Choices website works with Chung-Yi orphanage
Commonwealth Adoptions     website currently down
Enfants d'Orient Quebec, Canada Enfants francais
or English website
Taiwan, South Korea and Thailand programs
Faithful Adoptions usa Faithful Adoptions website infants, older and special needs
Families for Children (FFC) program now managed by FEC see below see FEC below see FEC below
Family & Children's Agency (FCA) Norwalk, CT FCA website works with Cathwel, Taipei
Florida Home Studies and Adoption Florida flhomestudies website Must be Florida resident
For Every Child (FEC) formerly managed by FFC Utah FEC website Healthy infant and Special needs programs
Hawaii International Child Honolulu HI HIC website Taiwan program awaiting licensing - check site for status
Journeys of the Heart several locations Journeys Website Several programs, 2 on hold, one accepting applications
Nightlight Christian Adoptions California Nightlight website New Taiwan program
Spence-Chapin New York and NJ SC website Works with FCA (above) to place children in metro NY
Taiwan Women's and Children's Assoc. Taiwan website English English site is down - please contact me if you have new info
Thursdays Child Adoption Agency Connecticut TC adoption website Older and special needs applications at this time
Wasatch International Adoptions Utah and MN website waiting child program, Taiwan
US State Dept. info on Taiwan adoptions USA State Dept. website  
TAIWAN Children's Bureau
Ministry of Interior
Taiwan website  
TAIWAN Blogs, News, items of interest to adoptive families MORE COMING SOON:
Radio Taiwan International Blog
Rotary Club of Taipei
Taiwan Adoption Blogs
Taipei International Women's Club
Taiwan Panorama
YAHOO GROUPS for Taiwan Adoptive families:

Yahoogroup for Taiwan Adoption

Yahoogroup for St.Lucy's Center Taiwan
Adoptees Info, Links, Blogs, Resources MORE COMING SOON:
Scattered Memories - Kim's Story
A Taiwan adoptee's Poem
Child and Juvenile Adoption Info Center - Taiwan - obtain birth family info

The above links are not endorsements by me, nor do they necessarily reflect my personal views, but simply information gathered as resources that may be of interest to Taiwan adoptive families. Before choosing any adoption agency you should do thorough research and get references.

If an orphanage you are looking for is not listed, or you are unsure of it's location, or are aware of any errors or omissions, please contact me

for optimum viewing, set your screen resolution to 1280x1024
Red Thread Maps is a division of Henimage -

All designs, maps, and graphics on this site and its products are copyright Henimage and its licensors and may not be copied, reproduced,
distributed or published in whole or in part in any form whatsoever, nor any derivative works thereof, without the express written consent
of Henimage and its licensors. Maps are artist's renderings - not to scale - may contain errors or omissions.

Chiang Kai Shek Memorial hall Taipei
Featured image - Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Taipei
renamed:  National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall
Notice: My maps are intended to show the general locations of orphanages that participate in international adoptions. They are hand-rendered, and cannot be considered to be to scale, and many elements have been estimated. As with any project of this magnitude, it is always possible that there may be errors or omissions. If you become aware of any, please contact me by email.
The other cities/towns shown on the maps are those of my choosing; selected either because of high populations, or because of their relative locations to the orphanages, or for other reasons, such as requests from adoptive families. These maps are 'living documents' that will evolve over time as more information is obtained. As more orphanages participate in international adoptions, newer versions of the maps will be made available. These maps are works of art and not to be used for navigation or any commercial purposes whatsoever and may not be pulished on any website, blog, listserve, etc. without my express written permission - see copyright notice. Full listings of orphanages included on the maps can be viewed by visiting 'The Orphanages' link on the left.